Miguel Maldonado
Miguel Maldonado receives the Joaquín Xirau Poetry Prize
The poet Miguel Maldonado (Puebla, 1975) has received the Joaquín Xirau Poetry Prize for his poetry collection “El libro de los oficios tristes”, in a ceremony held in the Colegio de México, which was attended by the philosopher Ramón Xirau and his wife Ana María Icaza, creators of the prize ...
Los oficios Menores - Juan Villoro
A certain type of writer has concentrated on the small fleeting things that secretly define our lives. In his “Odas elementales”, Pablo Neruda celebrates the recondite virtues of the tomato, copper, the onion, air or conger chowder. The prose poet Francis Ponge deals with the intimate eloquence of objects and ...
A veces prosa - Adolfo Castañón
Joaquín Xirau Icaza y Miguel Maldonado Work is the prayer of slaves, prayer is the work of free men. These words of the Catholic poet Charles Péguy spring to mind on greeting “El libro de los oficios tristes” by Miguel Maldonado, winner of the Joaquín Xirau Icaza Poetry Prize 2016 (the ...